File information: | |
File name: | TC51LCA_SB-KL-EX-SI_1289202310.pdf [preview TC51LCA SB-KL-EX-SI 1289202310] |
Size: | 5040 kB |
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Mfg: | Philips |
Model: | TC51LCA SB-KL-EX-SI 1289202310 🔎 |
Original: | TC51LCA SB-KL-EX-SI 1289202310 🔎 |
Descr: | Philips TV TC5.1Lca chassis TC51LCA_SB-KL-EX-SI_1289202310.pdf |
Group: | Electronics > Consumer electronics > TV |
Uploaded: | 15-04-2020 |
User: | Anonymous |
Multipart: | No multipart |
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Decompress result: | OK | |
Extracted files: | 1 | |
File name TC51LCA_SB-KL-EX-SI_1289202310.pdf Color Television Chassis TC5.1L CA H_17480_000.eps 050707 Contents Page 1. Technical Specifications, Connections and Chassis Overview 2 2. Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Notes 4 3. Directions for Use 6 4. Mechanical Instructions 6 5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding 7 6. Block Diagrams, Test Point Overviews, and Waveforms Chassis Block Diagram 9 7. Circuit Diagrams and CBA Layouts Diagram CBA Main Board 40-M134PH-MAG1XG 10 11-12 CRT Panel 13 14 Keyboard Panel 40-134SL6-KEA1XG 14 Keyboard Panel 40-134SL6-KEA1XG 14 8. Alignments 15 9. Circuit Descriptions, Abbreviation List, and IC Data Sheets 18 10. Spare Parts List 24 11. Revision List 26 |
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